My Memoir

"This is my life"

The way we were brought up. It's now clear to me why people don't accept me as a friend (A true friend). It was the way I was brought up and the way I am today. It is hard to be accepted in a group when you are different in many ways.
I had to bribe young people just to be friends earlier in my life.
I'm trying to be like others when they put silly, or stupid stuff on YouTube, Twitter or Facebook. I am feeling left out of a world that treats me like I am from a different planet. You don't want to get to know me or you are just so consumed with people who are self absorbed by social media events.

Sunday, September 25, 2016


My father was a paper mill worker, he would bring home boxes of paper products that were rejects. My mother was a house wife, however they both had to keep the farm going. We had about 48 milking cows. We didn't have a parlor, the cows had their own stall with a gate to be locked into. Parents would milk twice a day. My father had a third shift job and still was able to get the milking done. My mother helped with the farming also. W had many acres that needed to be planted and harvested. After a days work my father would go back to work at the paper mill. Farmers job isn't an easy job. I wouldn't make a good farmers wife. Both parents retired from farming back in approximately 1997.

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