My Memoir

"This is my life"

The way we were brought up. It's now clear to me why people don't accept me as a friend (A true friend). It was the way I was brought up and the way I am today. It is hard to be accepted in a group when you are different in many ways.
I had to bribe young people just to be friends earlier in my life.
I'm trying to be like others when they put silly, or stupid stuff on YouTube, Twitter or Facebook. I am feeling left out of a world that treats me like I am from a different planet. You don't want to get to know me or you are just so consumed with people who are self absorbed by social media events.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The wedding that ended badly

Kendra and Kurtis were school sweethearts. They were best friends from age 8. Kendra was 8 and Kurtis was 7 1/2 when they met. Kendra and Kurtis met at Kendra's birthday party. Kendra was a cheerleader and Kurtis was a quarterback at school. They helped each other on school work and loved going to all the school functions. They were inseparable and devoted their lives to be together as one. They both graduated with honors. They both went to Harvard and got their bachelors degree in their fields and others also. When they were of age to drive they both took driving seriously and never used their cell phone or did anything to cause them to crash. They were very good drivers and it showed on their driving record. They were a couple who just got married. So in love and on there way to their honeymoon. The one they planned and talked about constantly. When they sent out the invitations they had to have different times for their wedding celebration. They were intrigued with the outcome of their invites. Because so many invites the community came together and had a pot luck wedding. Each couple had to bring something different. Kendra was in charge of that. The couples would tell what they would bring. There was two of everything. Two different potato salad made by two different people. They had so many guests that celebrated their new lives together as one. The Mayor of the town had given Kendra and Kurtis the different places they needed to have all of their guests come. They both had so many plans for the future. He was a lawyer that loved his job. He helped many clients and he was well respected with the community. She was a teacher and her student body and teachers were inspired with her work ethics. She devoted her time at school to help her student body that needed extra help. She even took time to work with them on Saturday and Sunday. They lived in a four bedroom 3 bathroom home. It looked like a castle. They built it with a few extra people. For the most part they drew up the blueprint of the house they wanted. They owned 5 lots of land. Two on each side of them. Why you maybe asking yourselves. They had wanted to plant fruit trees, a garden. They had the 5 acres with a privacy fence. Neighbors and others in the community helped them because they dedicated their weekends to help the student body of all three schools in that community. It only costed them the materials from ground up as well as all the inside materials. Kendra and Kurtis provided food and drinks for all the help given to them. This was a wish come true that surprised them. Part II Come back and see the Wedding that ended badly!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Old Broadway Bridge

The 93 year old bridge This bridge was well traveled on, so motorists could commute to everyday living. She was built with the best materials and the men who made it possible for us. She had ambition to serve the motorists that would be driving across her. She stood like a great monument that was used everyday, hoping the materials she was built with wouldn't decay. If she could have talked, she would have told the motorists that if they can't drive safely then get of off her bridge. However, she watched each driver go across and made sure they made their journey. She didn't weaken or falter, for she was built mighty and true. She weathered all types of conditions and even in the worst of them, she stood there with great strength to provide her motorists the glory to drive over her. She stood proud and true for all of you. As the years passed she was getting old, let it be told. She had done her job for her motorist's commute to their journey each day. She knew there was going to be a time when she must go, and she must be replaced. It was soon going to be her last time being driven over. That day came and the people stood and watched her be destroyed. Being as well built as she was, she wasn't going down without a fight. For no one knew what she was going to do. They put dynamite on her to make her come down; she stood fast with a frown knowing they were one way or another going to take her down. As TV and media watched, the 93 year old bridge came tumbling down. What a surprise to them all that after the black smoke lifted there she stood proud and true. They had a timeline that must be met. They had to do it right for their timeline was getting tight. They put cables over her and with a strong pull she came down with her frown upside down. She knew she was beaten but she still won the feat after all the years she had given. People clapped and roared as she came down. As for the motorists now have her not here, drivers must have skills not to mess up and get into more accidents as they commute. For their drive was easy and now it's not as easy-peasy. Long lived the strong and true bridge we once knew. This is what I do for a living, that's write about things the way I see it. Your comments on this is Required!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Why I am a runner

I am a runner from myself. I have been running from myself many years. If you ask why, the only reason that I can think of is the past haunting me. Living in fear of abuse, failure, have no one to be friends with, the bullying I endure everyday. My past relationships with men, acquaintances, family. Running don't stop these fears I understand that. Dealing with them head on is unbearable. I ran from being a child at age 8 or 9 years old to an adult in a short time. I had to grow up fast and take the adult life by the horns and fight it when it charged me. I felt like a clown running from the bull in the rink. I ran to the following states to find myself. However the past haunt me there too. 1.) Arkansas 2.) Arizona 3.) Colorado 4.) Montana 5.) Michigan 6.) Minnesota 7.) North Dakota 8.) Nevada 9.) South Dakota 10.) Utah 11.) Wisconsin 12.) Wyoming Yeah trying to live in these states was just a challenge for me. The longest so far was Wisconsin. Home state of the Green Bay Packers. One of the coldest winters around. I love to do the polar bear dive. Finally ran from there to Arkansas. It's hot but loving it. People ask me how I picked these states to live in. Well Wisconsin home state where I was raised. Everyone except Arkansas I was either driving around the country or just with truckers. Now as far as my newest move to Arkansas is quite interesting to some. Arkansas starts with A so that is where I start. I took a map of Arkansas and put it on the dart board. Threw a dart and it landed between Conway and Little Rock. Ok now how to decide which one. I had written both down showed both names to my cat. Threw them on the floor and what ever one she put in her mouth first was it. I took it from her and it was Conway. I had done one last thing to make sure it was it. Heads Conway tails LR. Flipped up a quarter landed on ground walked over and heads was up. So that was where I was going.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The facts about the unseen and unknown

     I have been dealing with this issue for 40 years. My upbringing was, there wasn't enough quality time for me to get the help I needed to understand my homework. Because of my learning disabilities, to keep up with the higher groups of people with college or bachelor's degrees. I was told that I wouldn't amount to anything. For many years I believed this. My life was shattered from day one when I heard this. Being told this has a huge impact on the way the brain works. Try to tell my brain I am smarter than it is. With the ingrained hurt that was etched in the brain, the brain wins. I try to fool my brain to think its just a depression I have, that I am smarter than what I was told. You're told your brain is the size of a pea when you know it's the size of your fists put together. When I try to fit into groups that interest me. My lack of knowledge of that certain subject has to think quicker and absorbed as much as it can. I get overwhelmed with so much facts about a subject I can't keep up with the facts in the way others can. This is where I get pushed out of a group. I then get ignored for my lack of understanding and asking too many questions. It was said, "You can NEVER ask too many questions". If questions not asked and not enough knowledge to get the facts how am I to understand the subject? My learning is self-taught. I am a hands on learning talent. It may take me two to four weeks to understand fully, however I do get the facts and knowledge to be able to give my opinions.      I graduated in 2000. The year I should have graduated was 1987. Big difference comparison. Why did I wait so long to get a diploma? The trauma of being told by many people, being family, teachers, other kids didn't help my wanting to get that diploma. I have tried multiple times to go back to school various years, however the kids in the class would make fun of me. Teachers wouldn't take the time to help me when the ones who had better chances of having a successful outcome. I was pushed into that category of the unseen and unknown once again. As hard as I tried to ask other kids for help, they too had no time for a person with a learning disability. Kids back in the day were cruel and like today it hasn't changed any. I call these the bullies of the world. Teasing and picking on the ones who want to be successful but need a little more help than others. I have tried to get into a college and I couldn't pass the SAT. Again I got pushed out of a group of high educated adults where I was left behind. I felt like I was in a horse race and I was given the mule/ass wasn't going to win that race. After everybody had gone home I was still trying to get that mule/ass to get to the finish line. Once I did I was thrilled but so depressed that there was no one to give me the encouragement for trying so hard. So today when I am on Facebook or Twitter I am put into a group of the unseen and unknown. I ask how can I be seen and known for my accomplishments? Do I have to have a IQ of 140+ to be accepted in the group?      One day I will prove to everyone that even though I may be slow at learning I can and should be in a group that can SEE and KNOW me. Being seen and known is a big part of ones's positive thinking of being accepted into some group or something.