My Memoir

"This is my life"

The way we were brought up. It's now clear to me why people don't accept me as a friend (A true friend). It was the way I was brought up and the way I am today. It is hard to be accepted in a group when you are different in many ways.
I had to bribe young people just to be friends earlier in my life.
I'm trying to be like others when they put silly, or stupid stuff on YouTube, Twitter or Facebook. I am feeling left out of a world that treats me like I am from a different planet. You don't want to get to know me or you are just so consumed with people who are self absorbed by social media events.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Trump the King of Presidents

Trump should have been here years ago. However it's good that he is here now. With the last few Presidents messing the country up, Trump has a lot to repairing to do. He is a wise and powerful man that if you feel he was the wrong candidate for President then go to a different country. We need less violence, harder punishments for convicts and repeat offenders. Having a King of all Kings for Presidents will be the new USA of peace and harmony. Mark my words, President Trump will rule the country and we will bow to our NEW King of the USA. He has been watching the country all these years and he too is sick of the country going to hell in a hand basket. Vets will finally get their gratitude for their service. Vets will get the respect we need to give them. The vets don't get enough thank you's and appreciated them for their lives and their lives they lost for you. Lot of vets came back home hurt and have needs and we all need to be more supportive to the men and women vets who gave their lives for us. One thing I hope Trump can do not just for me but ALL the people with no or little health insurance is to give a Quality affordable low premium health insurance that everyone can afford. I see too many elderly people and others with hardships and they suffer and don't get their health needs met. Why, because Barack has hurt the country with a useless high rate of health insurance you can't get the immediate help needed because the deductible is so outrageous that one has to be a millionaire in order to afford the insurance. Another thing I hope Trump can work on is the care of people in nursing homes who can't afford quality care and get the low end of the deal. I have seen how the low class unable to afford QUALITY care at nursing homes get treated. It makes me sick. We all deserve the BEST quality care when we are unable or have no one to help us. Nursing homes need to find nurses that RESPECT ALL elderly with no or little health insurance.

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